Pedal Operated Washing Machine free of cost


In the current world, washing laundry is a difficult, time-consuming task that falls solely on human being. People spend around 8.5 hours each week scrubbing each piece of their family’s clothing and wringing out the harsh washing solution by hand. As electricity charges are increasing day by day and the need for electricity increases. As, powered washing machines exist, but they are impractical in rural regions because running water and electric are expensive or unavailable. Many inventors already tried to build machines for these regions but they have been failed. Their machines were either expensive to build because they require imported parts or they do not wash properly. Compared to other housing staff washing machine is a popular electronic home appliance, which is found in almost every household. In this current era, a washing machine is highly popular because of its great use. It does the laundry so fast, saving a lot of time and labour. It can manage to do so, quite effectively and efficiently, as it follows a set washing process. Our desired invention will be low cost, pedal-powered washing machine (without electricity) that is designed around readily available parts. Its innovation is its simplex design and its use of inexpensive plastic barrels and bicycle components. The pedal based machine is reliable, easy to operate and uses no electricity.


1.1.1                               Washing :
                        Washing is one of necessary and important household work among rest of other works.   Washing is an act of applying water or some other liquid to (something or someone) for the purpose of cleansing; cleanse by dipping, rubbing, or scrubbing in water or some other liquid.
1.1.2                               Rinsing :
                                          Rinsing is act of removing soap from (clothes, etc.) by applying clean water in the final stage in washing.
1.1.3                               Washing Machine :
                                     Generally we can describe A washing machine which washes clothes. It is known as laundry machine also, clothes washer, or washer, a machine used to wash laundry, such as clothing and bed  sheets other cotton cloths. Washing Machine is mostly applied to home and that machines that use water as opposed the dry cleaning (which can be used alternative cleaning fluids, and is performed by specialist businesses) or ultrasonic cleaners.

1.1.4                               Pedalling :
                         Pedalling is a foot-operated lever used for actuating or to control a mechanism, as in a loom, sewing machine etc.
1.2                      History of washing :
                                                                         Hand or feet washing machines were not used in ancient time. The first washing machine was designed by H.Sidgier of Great Britain in 1782. It was consist of a cage with wooden rods and a handle for turning. From this design in the late 1800 century different companies started producing hand operated machines that used paddles. James King in 1851 brought the revolving drum.  Hamilton Smith (scientist) in 1858 followed the revolving drum with the reversing action. The earliest manual washing machines lessened the motion of the human hand on the washboard (pressing and rinsing), by using a lever to move one curved surface over another and rubbing clothes between two ribbed surfaces. This type of washer was first patented in the USA in 1846 and survived as late as 1927 in the Montgomery Ward catalogue. In 19th century, America introduced the first electric clothing washers (washing machine), in which a motor rotated the tub. That time motor was not too much popular and water often dripped into it causing short-circuits and jerking shocks. By early 1911, it was possible for the general people to buy oscillating, cylinders, domestic washing machines with sheet metal tubs mounted on angle-iron frames with perforated metal or wooden slat cylinders inside. Beatty Brothers of Fergus, from Canadian Ontario was the first company to produce an portable agitator washing machine. The early Beatty machines had used ribbed copper tubs which were made from nickel or nickel-chromium plated. Maytag technology was   the first firm to adopt agitator technology in US. The vertical orientation of these machines became the industry standard replacing the horizontal rotating axis of earlier machines. Around the early 1940’s, enamelled steel was used and sold as being more sanitary, easier to clean and longer lasting than the other finishes. The sheet-metal skirt was also designed to extend below the level of the motor mount. In the early 1920’s, a number of Canadian machines were offered with built-in gas or electric water heaters. By the 1930’s, domestic water heaters were popular and started to use in many homes and the washing machine heater was of little use or no use. Later, the addition of a motor-driven drain pump at this time moved the machine one step closer to complete accuracy washing and precising. After that the next development of the washing machine was the fitting of a clock timing device which allowed the machine to be set to operate for a pre-determined length of wash cycle. Now, the operator no longer needed to constantly monitor its action. By the early 1950’s, a lot of USA manufacturers were started to supplying machines with a spin-dry feature to replace the wringer which removed buttons, and caused accidents involving hair and hands and severe injuring to the workers and the general people. In 1957’s, GERMANY, introduced a washing machine equipped with five push buttons to control washing water quantity, load, temperature, cloth amount, rinse temperature, agitation speed and spin speed of the washer. 
1.3                  Purpose & Objectives :
                                                   Instead of doing household (washing cloths) work smartly and easily washing machine have been implemented. The main objective of the washing machine is to clean the dirty cloths using electrical power instead of using human power. The washing machine is one of the major part of our daily .As we are getting busy day by day as a result we are getting less time do our daily household work.

1.4                  Working Principle :
                                                                      We will have design the pedal powered washing machine which is simple mechanism for washing cloth with the help of pedalling operation. It has one more advantage, the pedalling operation just acts like an exercise to the human being .When pedalling system starts to rotate it will rotate the washing blades by using the chain or belt arrangements. The shaft is welded with the pinion which is fixed on the cylinder. The chain or belt arrangement will gives the forward and reverse direction rotation for the operation of washing cloth.

                     Fig: Sketch of   Pedal Operated Washing Machine.







3.1 Components

The components used in the project are:

1.      Spur Gear

2.    Shafts

3.    Rotors

4.    Drum

5.     Pedal

6.    Chain

7.     Dynamometer

8.    Battery

9.    Hacksaw Blade

10.       Sprocket

11.  Others

3.1.1                     Spur Gears:
                                                                   Among all of the gears Spur gears (straight gears) are the most common type of gears. They are having straight teeth, and are mounted on parallel shafts. Sometimes, many spur gears are used at simultaneously to create very large gear reductions.
Spur gears are used in many devices that you can see all over How Stuff Works, like the electric screw driver, dancing mosnter, pscillating sprinkler, windup alarm clock, washing machine, cloth drier etc. But you will not be able to find many in your car.
This is because the spur gear can be really loud. Each time a gear tooth engages a tooth on the other gear, the teeth collides, and this impact makes a huge sound. It also increases the stress on the gear teeth.
3.1.2 Shaft:
                            A shaft can be said as a rotating machine element which is usually circular in cross section, which is used to transmit power from one part to another, or from a machine which produces power to a machine which absorbs power.

The maximum permissible (design) stresses in bending (tension or compression) may be taken as:

   1. 112 N/mm2 for shafts with allowance for keyways.
   2. 84 N/mm2 for shafts without allowance for keyways.

The maximum permissible (design) shear stresses may be taken as:

    3. 56 N/mm2 for shafts with allowance for keyways.
   4. 42 N/mm2 for shafts without allowance for keyways.

The material used for ordinary shafts is mild steel. When high strength is required, an alloy steel such as nickel, nickel-chromium or chromium-vanadium steel is used.

Most Shafts are generally formed by hot rolling and finished to size by cold drawing or turning and grinding.

3.1.3 Rotors:
                                 The rotor is the main spinning element of the rotor-spinning machine. Yarn quality, character working performance of yarn productivity, & costs etc. all depend chiefly on  the total draft in rotor spinning is, therefore a combination of true draft from the feed roll to the rotor (in the order of thousands) and a condensation to accumulate the fiber groups into a fiber ring inside the rotor. The total draft ratio is the ratio between the delivery or the take-up speed and the feed roll speed. It is mandatory that approximately amount to the ratio should maintain between the number of fibers in the sliver cross-section and the number of fibers in the yarn cross-section.

 3.1.4 Drum:

                                   The drum is the spinning section of the machine where you load your clothes into.

 3.1.5 Pedal:

                                 A bicycle pedal is the part of a bicycle that helps the rider pushes with their feet to start the propelling actions of the bicycle. It provides a connection between the cyclist's feet or shoes. Initially the Pedals were attached to cranks connecting directly to the driven (usually front) wheel. The safety bicycle, as it is known today’s mordenized bicycle, came into being when the pedals were attached to a crank driving a sprocket that transmitted power to the driven wheel by means of a roller chain.

3.1.6 Chain:
                                 Chain drive is a way of transmitting mechanical power from one place to another. It is often used to convey power to the wheels of a vehicle both in the two wheeler or four wheelers, particularly bicycles and motorcycles means two wheelers. It has also vast use in a wide variety of machines besides vehicles. Sometimes the power can be outputted by simply rotating the chain, which can be used to lift or drag objects. In other situations, a second gear might be placed and the power is recovered by attaching shafts or hubs to this gear very smoothly. Though drive chains are often simple and has oval loops, they can also go around corners by placing more than two gears along the chain; gears that do not put power into the system or transmit it out are generally known as idler-wheels. With the variation of the diameter of the input and output gears with respect to each other, the gear ratio can be altered. An example, when the bicycle pedal’s gear rotate once, it causes the gear that drives the wheels to rotate more than one revolution.


 3.1.7 Dynamometer:

                                                          A dynamometer or "dyno", is a test instrument used to measure torque and speed, which is used to calculate power of a device such as an engine, electric motor, pump, transmission, or generator/alternator. Dynamometers can be either motoring, in which a dynamometer has a motor that can drive the device under test, and/or absorbing where the torque and speed is determined by the power produced.
A dynamometer’s other use is to determine the torque and power required to operate a driven machine such as a pump. In that case, a motoring or driving dynamometer is used. A dynamometer that is designed to be driven is called an absorption or passive dynamometer. Dynamometer with dual mode like drive or absorb is called a universal or active dynamometer.

3.1.8 Battery:
                                     The Batteries we use are made of electrochemical cell (or enclosed and protected material) that can be charged electrically to provide a static potential for power or released electrical charge when needed.
A battery generally consists of an anode, a cathode, and an electrolyte.
The Common types of commercial batteries and some of their characteristics and advantages. Battery types not shown include the Zinc-Air, Flooded Lead Acid, and Alkaline batteries. However, limitations of batteries are: these electrochemical processes are not continuous rather change the chemicals in anode and cathode to make them stop supplying electrons. So there is a limited amount of power available in a battery.

 3.1.9 Hacksaw Blade:
                                                             A hacksaw is a fine-toothed saw, originally and principally made for cutting metals, wooden thins or others. They can also cut various other materials, such as plastic and wood; an example, plumbers and electricians often cut plastic pipe and plastic conduit with them. There are hand saw versions and powered versions (called power hacksaws).
Blades are available in standardized lengths, 10 or 12 inches (254 or 305 mm) for a standard hand operated hacksaw. Medium hacksaws are 6 inches (152 mm) long. Powered hacksaws can use large blades in a range of sizes, or small machines may use the same hand operated blades.

3.1.10 Sprocket:
                                           A sprocket (partially named a sprocket-wheel) is a profiled wheel with many teeth, cogs or even sprockets that mesh with a chain, track or other perforated or indented material. The name 'sprocket' applies generally to any wheel upon which radial projections engage a chain passing over it. It may be distinguished from a gear in that sprockets are never meshed together directly, and differs from a pulley in that sprockets have teeth and pulleys are smoothly workable

There are four main types of sprockets;
 Type 1: Plain Plate sprockets,
 Type 2: Hub on one side,
 Type 3: Hub on both sides,
 Type 4: Detachable hub.
 Sprockets should be as large as possible for the given the application. Larger sprocket means the less the working load for a given amount of transmitted power, allowing the use of a smaller-pitch chain. However, chain speeds must be kept under 1200 feet per minute.

3.1.11 Others:
                                       Others component used in the Pedal Operated Washing Machine are:
Nuts/Bolts for tightening the contact.


Lubricants used for getting a frictionless (almost) power transmission.


Name of the parts
Number of parts required
Material used for parts
Outer Drum
Inner drum
Hacksaw Blade
Supporting Stand


Name of the parts
PRICE (rupee)
Outer Drum
Inner Drum
Hacksaw blade
Supporting stand
Assembly Cost


Total Cost
or Arround $200

                                                                In the figure the block diagram of Pedal operated washing machine has shown .In the figure everything has been explained details means how the pedal operated washing machine works and how it works step by step. Every single point has been marked and indicated perfectly. First person will operate the pedal and with help of chain the motion will transmit from the gear to the shaft .From the shaft there two chain drive which will rotate the inner drum and inside the drum there will be water , dirty cloths , detergent powder . After a while the powder will dissolve and dirty cloths will be cleaned. There will be one more hole by that the water may remove and the wet clean cloths will be there.


         Fig3.4 : Block diagram of Pedal operated  washing machine.

3.5 Working Model in CAD
The working model of Pedal Operated washing Machine has been implemented in mechanical software Inventor 2016 in the figure. In the figure we can see the complete working model of the POWM where all the parts are assembled perfectly according to the design. In this design all the support are given for the maximum safety.


     Fig 3.5 : The working model of Pedal operated machine in the CAD.

3.6 Specification of Pedal Operated Washing Machine  
                                                         The main specification of the pedal operated washing machine is free of cost , required less amount of water and consume zero energy except human resources .In addition the use will burn his own fat while operating the pedal operated washing machine. The running cost is under 100 rupees. This pedal operated washing machine can wash 8 to 10 cloths at a time with cost of 10 rupees detergent powder. It is required less than 15 minute to wash more than 8 or 10 cloths a time. Another Specification of this pedal operated washing machine that operator can use this machine while doing other works like watching TV , Reading Book , while gossiping with others or listening music.


We have assumed an overall calculations for our project. Here is the assumption in short:
·        Length of the shaft = 1100  mm
·        Diameter of main shaft = 10 mm
·        Outer drum length = 800 mm
·        Outer drum diameter = 200 mm
·        Inner drum length = 600 mm
·        Inner drum diameter = 160 mm
·        First chain drive centre to centre distance = 500 mm
·         Number of teeth of small gear = 18
·        Diameter of small gear = 75 mm
·        Number of teeth of larger gear = 44
·        Diameter of larger gear = 180 mm

We are going to apply the following formulas for our project. (As our all dimensions are assumed we could not calculated the actual calculations, as it may vary in later)
          ● Angular velocity, w= 2πN/60
Where N= rpm
W= angular velocity.

● Gear ratio, G=  
    Our  Gear Ratio = 1:5

● Torque= Force ×Radius
● Power = 2πNT/60
● RPM generated by pedalling = 50 RPM
● RPM of the main shaft = 250 RPM
v As average cyclist can can generate 183 watts power while running at a speed of 30.4 km/hr or 8.44 m/s,
         Thus power transmitted from driving sprocket to driven sprocket,
           Power = Force * Velocity
        so, Force =  (Power/Velocity)
                        = (183/8.44)
                        = 21.68 N
v   An average cyclist can generate upto 80 rpm, as we can consider 60 rpm
       and our velocity ratio is 1:3

      Speed of main Shaft
                              Velocity ratio N1/N2
                                 N2= 60*3 = 180 rpm
v Torque = Force * Radius
   As our inner drum diameter d = 160 mm
                                &  radius r  = 80 mm
        Torque                               = (21.68*0.08) Nm
                                                  = 1.733 Nm
v Power required to rotate inner drum at 180 rpm
              P =
                 = 32.60 watt.
we increase the diameter of inner drum to 500 mm
                            &Radius = 250 mm
                                           = 0.25m
  Torque =( Force * Radius)Nm
              =(21.68*.25) Nm
               =5.42 Nm
     Power require to rotate inner drum at 180 rpm
                          P =
                             = 102.16 watt
We decrease the diameter of inner drum to 100 mm
                                             Radius = 50 mm
                                                         = 0.05 m
       Torque                        = (21.68*0.05)N.m
                                          = 1.084 N.m
 Power required to rotate at 180 rpm
               P =
                   = 20 watt
 We can say that the required power is proportional to the inner drum size.If we increased the drum diameter the required power is more .

3.8 Battery capacity:
                                                                  As we are going to add a battery for dual mode operation, we calculated the battery capacity also.
We will attach two motors in our project.
For two motor = 12 volt, 3 amp.


     1.  Saves water, time and energy.
    2.  Manufacturing cost is low.
    3.  Adequate maintenance cost.
    4.  Easy to operate.
    5. Physical Exercise.


      It is not suitable for all ages.
      The capacity is less in washing cloths.

4. Conclusion
                                           The machine must be inexpensive and easy to build if it will be adopted into the community. We recognized this need and designed the machine from the start with low cost in mind. The machine will only contain parts that are readily available in rural areas. This eliminates the need to order or import components just for the washing machine. The machine also uses bicycle parts for all the precision parts. These parts are very inexpensive because rural areas have a surplus of unused bicycle parts. The working of pedal-powered washing machine is quite different from the community’s current method of washing clothes; the community may be reluctant to try the new machine. To understand and encourage the adoption of the washing machine, we will apply multiple trials with local women so we can adjust the design to meet their needs, demands. We will run the trial periods with groups like the women’s cooperative who are already familiar with pedal powered machines; they have already proved they are willing to try new technologies. If women in the cooperative accept and use the machines, then they will serve as spokes-people for the new machine in their local community.
 Their support will greatly increase the credibility of the machine so that local people will desire to try it. We achieved what we desired i.e. building a manually driven pedal powered low cost washing machine using locally available materials and performing necessary function of washing and rinsing with ease. As Our washing machine doesn’t consume electricity, This type can be used by the urban people also while workout and exercises. It can serve dual purposes. While cycling, the clothes can be washed utilizing the pedalling of the human being. If the production of this washing machine is done at commercial scale then the total production cost of the machine can be reduced to 40% of estimated cost.

9. Design & Fabrication of Manually Driven Pedal Powered Washing Machine,  Ajay
10. Fabrication and Analysis of Bicycle Washing Machine,N.Balajiganesh *, K.Ram Prasad Reddy,Assistant Professor, Mechanical Department, Aditya college of Engineering,Madanapalle,Andhra Pradesh, India
11. Pedal Powered Washing Machine (PPWM) ,Adarsh Ranjan, Kushagra Sharan, Sudeep Mazumdar .
12. International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT) – volume 3 Issue 6 Number 1 – Nov 2012 ,ISSN: 2231-2803, , Page 20 ,


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