Most of the energies are utilized by the industries due to depletion of fossil fuels and increasing the fuel price and pollution. So that to overcome this problem we have to use renewable energy source or utilize heat waste from different company.Over the past few decades, energy is the backbone of technology and economic development. In addition to men, machines and money,‘energy’ is now the fourth factor of production.The objective of this UDP is to design and study an environment friendly vapour absorption refrigeration system of 0.1 TON capacity using R 717 (NH3) and water as the working fluids. So we have to use SOLAR HEATER in vapour absorption refrigeration system in place of electrical heat generator.


In physics, energy is a property of objects which can be transferred to other objects or converted into different forms. The "ability of a system to perform work" is a common description of energy is measured in joules Common energy forms include the kinetic energy of a moving object, the potential energy stored by an object's position in a force field the elastic energy stored by stretching solid objects, the chemical energy released when a fuel burns, the radiant energy carried by light, and the thermal energy due to an object's temperature. All of the many forms of energy are convertible to other kinds of energy. In Newtonian physics, there is a universal law of conservation of energy which says that energy can be neither created nor be destroyed; however, it can change from one form to another.
There are mostly we can classify energy in two according to it’s renew rate in finite time
-       Nonrenewable energy
-       renewable energy 

                           Nonrenewable energy

In layers of a non-renewable resource (also called a finite resource) is a resource that does not renew itself at a sufficient rate for sustainable economic extraction in meaningful human time-frames. An example is carbon-based, organically-derived fuel. The original organic material, with the aid of heat and pressure, becomes a fuel such as oil or gas.A mineral is a naturally occurring chemical compound. Most often, they are crystalline and a biogenic in origin.A metal is a material (an element, compound, or alloy) that is typically hard, opaque, shiny, and has good electrical and thermal conductivity. Metals are generally malleable — that is, they can be hammered or pressed permanently out of shape without breaking or cracking — as well as fusible (able to be fused or melted) and ductile (able to be drawn out into a thin wire). About 91 of the 118 elements in the periodic table are metals, the others are nonmetals or metalloids. Some elements appear in both metallic and non-metallic forms.Fossil fuels are fuels formed by natural processes such as anaerobic decomposition of buried dead organisms, containing energy originating in ancient photosynthesis. Coal is a combustible black or brownish-black sedimentary rock usually occurring in rock strata veins called coal beds or coal seams. The harder forms, such as anthracite coal, can be regarded as metamorphic rock because of later exposure to elevated temperature and pressure. Coal is composed primarily of carbon along with variable quantities of other elements, chiefly hydrogen, sulfur, oxygen, and nitrogen.Petroleum is a naturally occurring, yellow-to-black liquid found in geological formations beneath the Earth's surface, which is commonly refined into various types of fuels. Components of petroleum are separated using a technique called fractional distillation.Natural gas is a naturally occurring hydrocarbon gas mixture consisting primarily of methane, but commonly including varying amounts of other higher alkanes, and sometimes a small percentage of carbon dioxide, nitrogen, hydrogen sulfide, or helium.Natural gas is a fossil fuel used as a source of energy for heating, cooking, and electricity generation. It is also used as fuel for vehicles and as a chemical feedstock in the manufacture of plastics and other commercially important organic chemicals. It is a non-renewable resource

Disadvantages of Non-Renewable Energy

• The disadvantages to non-renewable energy indicates that once sources of nonrenewable energies are gone they can't be replaced or revitalized. 
 The mining of non-renewable energy and the by-products they leave behind cause’s damage to the environment. There is little doubt that fossil fuels contribute to global warming. When fossil fuels are burned, nitrous oxides causes’ photochemical pollution, Sulphur dioxide creates acid rain, and greenhouse gases are emitted.
 The major disadvantage of nonrenewable energy is global warming. Which increase the average temperature of earth that’s why the glaciers are continuously melting and level of sea rise.

                          RENEWABLE ENERGY

 Renewable energy is classified as energy that comes from resources like sun light (known as solar), wind, and geo thermal heat and rain that are constantly replenished. Renewable energy can serve as a replacement to electricity, motor fuels, rural energy and heating. Many people might discount renewable energy sources right off the bat just by looking at the definition. They wouldn’t hesitate to question why it is necessary to switch to sources like sunlight, wind, or rain. The way they see it, these are not very reliable sources of energy.

 Advantage of renewable energy

      Renewable energy is, well, renewable:

                                                               This means it has infinity of sustainability and we will never run out of it. Other sources of energy like coal, oil and gas are limited and will run out some day. Renewable energy can reduce our dependence on fuels and energy from foreign governments. Strong winds, heat within earth, moving water, shining sun can provide a vast and constant energy resource supply.

      Environmental Benefits: 

                                        It is clean and results in little to no greenhouse and net carbon emissions. It will not deplete our natural resources and have minimal, if any, negative impacts on the environment, with no waste products of Co2 and other, more toxic take with different sources of energy. The environmental benefits of renewable energy are innovative in that they will dramatically scale back on the amount of toxic air pollution released into the atmosphere by other methods. Enables us to protect the environment from toxic pollutions, which in turn keep people healthier.

      Reliable Energy Source:

                                         Our dependence on fossil fuels has increased considerably in last few decades. The result is that our national security continues to be threatened by our dependence on fossil fuels which are vulnerable to political instabilities, trade disputes, wars, and high prices. This impacts more than just our national energy policy. Also, solar and wind plants are distributed over large geographical area and weather disruptions in one area won’t cut off power to an entire region.

      Economic Benefits: 

                             Renewable energy is also cheaper and more economically sound than other sources of generated energy. It is estimated that as a result of renewable energy manufacturing, hundreds of thousands of stable jobs will be created. Thousands of jobs have already been created in numerous European countries like the United Kingdom and Germany, who have adopted measures to manufacture renewable energy. Renewable energy amenities require a less amount of maintenance, which reduces the costs. Switching to renewable energy sources also means that the future of our energy is returned back to the people: to communities, families, farmers, and individuals.

      Stabilize Energy Prices: 

                                             Switching to renewable energy sources also means steady pricing on energy. Since the cost of renewable energy is dependent on the invested money and not the increasing or decreasing or inflated cost of the natural resource, governments would only pay a small amount in comparison to the needlessly heavy pricing of the energy prices we are witnessing currently.


      Reliability of Supply:
                                       One shortcoming is that renewable energy relies heavily upon the weather for sources of supply: rain, wind, and sunshine. In the event of weather that doesn’t produce these kinds of climate conditions renewable energy sources lack the capacity to make energy. Since it may be difficult to generate the necessary energy due to the unpredictable weather patterns, we may need to reduce the amount of energy we use.
      Difficult to Generate in Large Quantity: 
                                                          Another disadvantage of renewable energy is that it is difficult to generate large amount of energy as those produced by coal powered plants. This means that either we need to set up more such facilities to match up with the growing demand or look out for ways to reduce our energy consumption.

      Large Capital Cost: 
                                  Initial investments are quite high in case of building renewable energy plants. These plants require upfront investments to build, have high maintenance expenses and require careful planning and implementation.

      Large Tracts of Land Required:
                                                          To meet up with the large quantities of electricity produced by fossil fuels, large amount of solar panels and wind farms need to be set up. For this, large tracts of land is required to produce energy quantities competitive with fossil fuel burning. Becoming more conscious about saving of energy for better future, we can use wastage energy from industries like thermal energy from boiler exhaust gases which can be utilize for heating of water, heating of ammonia water solution in vapour absorption refrigeration system, for cooking purpose we can use that steam for many other purpose so, by this way we can save the energy. Since last few decades many countries were taken steps to reduce the global warming which is very tough question rise against to all. We all now the reasons behind the global warming which are mostly the more use of petroleum product for getting power in daily life like electricity and more. The burning of petroleum based product produce the gases which are harmful to ozone layer around the earth and due to which the average temperature of earth increasing continuously. Due to which glaciers are melting and sea level increasing so we have to use that form of energy which is renewable as well as eco-friendly like solar energy, wind energy, geo thermal energy, tidal energy, biomass, hydropower wave power, bio fuel, etc.


      Solar energy: 
                             It is the energy which is coming from sun in the form of electromagnetic waves. It contains no of different wavelengths. The energy which reach to earth is depends on intensity of radiation which is defined as energy focus on per unit area when area is perpendicular to the radiation. The temperature of surface of sun is 6000 K. the intensity of radiation on the earth is 1367 W/m2.

      Wind energy:
                            Wind power is the use of air flow through wind turbines to mechanically power generators for electricity. Wind power, as an alternative to burning fossil fuels, is plentiful, renewable, widely distributed, clean, produces no greenhouse gas emissions during operation, consumes no water, and uses little land. The net effects on the environment are far less problematic than those of nonrenewable power sources.

      Geo-thermal energy: 
                                     Earth's internal heat is thermal energy generated from radioactive decay and continual heat loss from Earth's formation. Temperatures at the core–mantle boundary may reach over 4000 °C (7,200 °F). The high temperature and pressure in Earth's interior cause some rock to melt and solid mantle to behave plastically, resulting in portions of mantle convecting upward since it is lighter than the surrounding rock. Rock and water is heated in the crust, sometimes up to 370 °C (700 °F) Geothermal power is cost-effective, reliable, sustainable, and environmentally friendly, but has historically been limited to areas near tectonic plate boundaries.  

      Bio fuel energy: 
                         A biofuel is a fuel that is produced through contemporary biological processes, such as agriculture and anaerobic digestion, rather than a fuel produced by geological processes such as those involved in the formation of fossil fuels, such as coal and petroleum, from prehistoric biological matter. Biofuels can be derived directly from plants, or indirectly from agricultural, commercial, domestic, and/or industrial wastes. Renewable biofuels generally involve contemporary carbon fixation, such as those that occur in plants or microalgae through the process of photosynthesis. Other renewable biofuels are made through the use or conversion of biomass (referring to recently living organisms, most often referring to plants or plant-derived materials). This biomass can be converted to convenient energy-containing substances in three different ways: thermal conversion, chemical conversion, and biochemical conversion. This biomass conversion can result in fuel in solid, liquid, or gas form. This new biomass can also be used directly for biofuels.

      Tidal energy: 
                    Tidal power, also called tidal energy, is a form of hydropower that converts the energy obtained from tides into useful forms of power, mainly electricity.Although not yet widely used, tidal power has potential for future electricity generation. Among sources of renewable energy, tidal power has traditionally suffered from relatively high cost and limited availability of sites with sufficiently high tidal ranges or flow velocities, thus constricting its total availability. However, many recent technological developments and improvements, both in design (e.g. dynamic tidal power, tidal lagoons) and turbine technology (e.g. new axial turbines, cross flow turbines), indicate that the total availability of tidal power may be much higher than previously assumed, and that economic and environmental costs may be brought down to competitive levels.

      Hydropower energy:
                                  Flowing water creates energy that can be captured and turned into electricity. This is called hydroelectric power or hydropower. The most common type of hydroelectric power plant uses a dam on a river to store water in a reservoir. Water released from the reservoir flows through a turbine, spinning it, which in turn activates a generator to produce electricity. But hydroelectric power doesn't necessarily require a large dam. Some hydroelectric power plants just use a small canal to channel the river water through a turbine.

                   WHY SOLAR?

All above energy are related directly or indirectly to solar energy. Solar energy is cost free to all. It is the main source of energy for daily life it can be used to generate the electricity, the wind energy is also the cause of solar energy on earth and also the hydropower energy is result of solar energy. Solar energy can be used for cooking. So that the solar energy is necessary to all for survive on earth. Based on above discussion the solar is the main source of power.

 Modes of utilization of solar radiation

  By use of solar cell:
                              A solar cell, or photovoltaic cell is an electrical device that converts the energy of light directly into electricity by the photovoltaic effect, which is a physical and chemical phenomenon. It is a form of photoelectric cell, defined as a device whose electrical characteristics, such as current, voltage, or resistance, vary when exposed to light. Solar cells are the building blocks of photovoltaic modules, otherwise known as solar panels.

                                                           Figure:   solar cell

Direct solar heat: 
                            It is the most efficient and economical way of utilization of solar energy. In this method some laws of physics are useful to use direct solar radiation. In this method by use of concentrator or reflector we can focus the solar radiation in very small finite area which gives more heat or energy per unit area. That heat is then used for various purpose such as to convert the water in to steam and that steam is used for cooking, in vapour absorption refrigeration system as generator heat. There are the various designs of solar reflector or concentrator are available such as parabolic, flat plate concentrator, cylindrical concentrator, etc.

                                                  Figure: parabolic reflector


            Why the solar energy for cooling?   

            The various way of achieving cooling effect are
              vapour compression refrigeration system

In vapour compression refrigeration system the electrical energy is use to drive the compressor. Day by day the global warming increase and due to that the average temperature of the earth is increase and so that cooling effect required for comfort to of human beings is increase drastically. So the energy or we can say electricity utilize for cooling is increased. So for fulfilling that more coal and petroleum based product are used in production of electricity and due to that pollution increased.
  vapour absorption refrigeration system
In vapour absorption refrigeration system the thermal energy is used for cooling purpose and that thermal energy can be achieve from various resources like solar energy, chemically, electrically, etc. but the best is solar energy. . So the best way is to use the solar energy in as generator heat in vapour absorption refrigeration system.

                         Our Aim 

Based on the above discussion we have decided to use the solar energy in vapour absorption refrigeration system. The required thermal energy is concentrated by solar concentrator and that is used to heat the water and steam generated by heating the water is used in generator.

       Vapour absorption  Refrigeration system


The various parts of the ammonia-water vapour absorption refrigeration system and their working are explained below (please refer the figure above):
                          It is in the evaporator where the refrigerant pure ammonia (NH3) in liquid state produces the cooling effect. It absorbs the heat from the substance to be cooled and gets evaporated. From here, the ammonia passes to the absorber in the gaseous state.

                        In the absorber the weak solution of ammonia-water is already present. The water, used as the absorbent in the solution, is unsaturated and it has the capacity to absorb more ammonia gas. As the ammonia from evaporator enters the absorber, it is readily absorbed by water and the strong solution of ammoniawater is formed. During the process of absorption heat is liberated which can reduce the ammonia absorption capacity of water; hence the absorber is cooled by the cooling water. Due to absorption of ammonia, strong solution of ammoniawater is formed in the absorber.

                  The strong solution of ammonia and water is pumped by the pump at high pressure to the generator.

                                     The strong solution of ammonia refrigerant and water absorbent are heated by the external source of heat such as steam or hot water. It can also be heated by other sources like natural gas, electric heater, waste exhaust heat etc. Due to heating the refrigerant ammonia gets vaporized and it leaves the generator. However, since water has strong affinity for ammonia and its vaporization point is quite low some water particles also get carried away with ammonia refrigerant, so it is important to pass this refrigerant through analyser.

                    One of the major disadvantages of the ammonia-water vapour absorption refrigeration system is that the water in the solution has quite low vaporizing temperature, hence when ammonia refrigerant gets vaporized in the generator some water also gets vaporized. Thus the ammonia refrigerant leaving the generator carries appreciable amount of water vapour. If this water vapour is allowed to be carried to the evaporator, the capacity of the refrigeration system would reduce. The water vapour from ammonia refrigerant is removed by analyser and the rectifier. The analyser is sort of distillation column that is located at the top of the generator. The analyser consists of number of plates positioned horizontally. When the ammonia refrigerant along with the water vapour particles enters the analyser, the solution is cooled. Since water has higher saturation temperature, water vapour gets condensed into the water particles that drip down into the generator. The ammonia refrigerant in the gaseous state continues to rise up and it moves to the rectifier.

      Rectifier or the reflex condenser
                                                             The rectifier is a sort of the heat exchanger cooled by the water, which is also used for cooling the condenser. Due to cooling the remaining water vapour mixed with the ammonia refrigerant also gets condensed along with some particles of ammonia. This weak solution of water and ammonia drains down to the analyser and then to the generator.

      Condenser and expansion valve:
                                                             The pure ammonia refrigerant in the vapour state and at high pressure then enters the condenser where it is cooled by water. The refrigerant ammonia gets converted into the liquid state and it then passes through the expansion valve where its temperature and pressure falls down suddenly. Ammonia refrigerant finally enters the evaporator, where it produces the cooling effect. This cycle keeps on repeating continuously.
Meanwhile, when ammonia gets vaporized in the generator, weak solution of ammonia and water is left in it. This solution is expanded in the expansion valve and passed back to the absorber and its cycle repeats.

    Practical vapour absorption refrigeration system:

      The basic components of practical NH3 absorption system are listed below.

1.      Generator                                                          8. Evaporator
2.      Analyzer                                                            9.  water jacked absorber
3.      Rectifier                                                            10. Pump p1
4.      Condenser                                                        11. Heat exchanger he2
5.      Receiver                                                            12.  Expansion valve ev2        
6.      Heat exchanger1                                              13. Pump p2
7.      Expansion valve                                               14. Pond containing cooling water
                                                                             15. Heating coil

Figure: Practical ammonia water absorption system

      The vapour which rises from the solution in the generator consist of ammonia vapour along with small quantities of water vapour. Unless major part of this water vapour is removed before the vapour enter the condenser, this water vapour may enter the expansion valve and freeze there. As this mixture of ammonia vapour and water vapour is cooled, the water vapour condenses out first. The analyzer perform the function of dehydration by bringing the vapour in to contact with the aqua richest in ammonia and by cooling the vapour with this aqua. If the dehydration is not complete enough in the analyzer and added water cooled vessel called rectifier may be used to complete the process for sending anhydrous dry ammonia to the condenser. 
      In the heat exchanger he1, liquid refrigerant is sub-cooled by using law temperature ammonia vapour. This sub-cooled liquid is passes through expansion valve to the evaporator. The mixture absorbs heat in evaporator and enter in to the water jacked absorber. The water jacketing to the absorber is provided to cool the hot weak ammonia solution to increase the absorptivity of the weak solution, then the strong ammonia solution from the absorber is passed through the pump and aqua ammonia heat exchanger to the generator. The weak hot solution from generator is passed to the absorber in the form of spray through aqua ammonia heat exchanger. The weak liquid absorb vapour coming from evaporator and becomes strong in ammonia.
      The aqua ammonia heat exchanger located between the absorber and generator provides cooling of weak solution and heating of strong solution. This operation save the amount of cooling needed for the absorber and the amount of heat needed for generator. With the inclusion of this heat exchanger, a very effective economy can be achieved.
      The cop. of the system is given by
                          Cop. = 𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒕 𝒂𝒃𝒔𝒐𝒓𝒃𝒆𝒅   /   𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒌 𝒔𝒖𝒑𝒑𝒍𝒊𝒆𝒅
      In this particular system, energy is supplied to the system in the form of heat in the generator and in the form of work W1 and W2 to the pumps P1 and P2. 

               Detail of generator for our system:

                                        Figure : solar vapour absorption system

 The heat required for the generator to separate the ammonia from weak solution is achieve by solar radiation in our system the solar radiation is concentration by reflector or solar concentrator. First the concentrated heat from reflector is used to heat the water and so that water is converted into steam that steam is use to heat solution steam which is coming out from generator is recirculated and regenerated to required state .


The operating pressures at which the system is working needs to be determined to carry on further calculations, using an enthalpy concentration chart. Once the pressure of the condenser (Pc) and the pressure of the evaporator (Pe) are determined the corresponding points can be fixed on the chart as shown in fig. 4. The various other points and condition lines for components like absorber, generator, heat exchangers etc can be subsequently fixed.


The pressure to be maintained in the condenser for changing the phase of ammonia vapours into ammonia liquid depends on type of condensing medium used and its temperature. In this system, water is used as a condensing medium. Generally water is available at a temperature of 25 0C. I.e. condensing temperature is Tc= 25 0C. For condensing ammonia vapours at 250C, the corresponding pressure required can be noted from the refrigeration table of ammonia (R-717). In this way, the condenser pressure is fixed at Pc=10 bar.


The evaporator pressure can be fixed according to the minimum temperature required to be maintain in the evaporator chamber. The minimum temperature attained is not a designing criterion in this system. The pressure maintained in the evaporator should be as close to the atmospheric temperature as possible, because for maintaining the higher pressure in the system is difficult and costly. And at below the atmospheric temperature leakage problem is there. So that we have to taking the evaporator temperature 1 bar. The temperature related to the 1 bar in pressure enthalpy diagram is -32 0C.  


The enthalpy concentration diagram for a mixture is the most useful diagram from the practical point of view. The concentration for nh3 is show along an x axis and enthalpy show along the y axis. On this diagram the pressure line and temperature line is shown. The line above the graph show the enthalpy for the vapour refrigerant and below show the liquid refrigerant line. At the C=0 that the no ammonia present in the mixture, and for C=1 that there is no water in the mixture.  

                                    Where, C  

                                    Figure : enthalpy concentration diagram

 Now for finding the enthalpy at different point we use the enthalpy concentration diagram of the aqua-ammonia concentration diagram. We plot the different point on the graph as per their property on that point.  

                                      Figure: Practical ammonia water h-c diagram

 Now the point of condenser pressure and evaporate pressure can be plotted on the pressure enthalpy chart as points 1, 2, 3 and 4.

Point-1 represent pure NH3 saturated vapour at condenser pressure Pc and concentration C=1.
Point-2 represent pure NH3 saturated liquid at Pc=10 bar and C=1 this point is marked in liquid region.
Point-3 represent the condition of pure NH3 (wet) but at pressure at 1 bar and C=1.point 2 coincides with point 3 as 2-3 is throttling process in which enthalpy remain constant. 
             Point-4 represents the condition of pure NH3 at pressure Pe these are saturated vapours       which absorbs heat in evaporator and converts from wet vapour to saturated vapour. This point is marked in vapour region.      From that we find the enthalpy of point 1, 2, 3 and 4 given below,        
     h1 = 1630 KJ/Kg  h2-3 = 460 KJ/K   h4   = 1530 KJ/Kg

Now, let as assume the refrigeration capacity of the unit to be 1TR. 
1. The refrigerating effect produced or the heat absorbed by ammonia refrigerant in the evaporator is Qe= h4 – h3 KJ/Kg of ammonia Say the mass flow rate of ammonia in the evaporator be Mr.
                             Mr. × (h4 – h3) =0. 1 TR
                             Mr. × (h4 – h3) = 21 KJ/min
                             Therefore, Mr. × (1630 - 460) = 21
                                         It gives Mr. = 0.018 Kg/min
 Now, the temp. Of the water going inside the generator is more than 75 oC (about 80 0C). That is, taking the temp. In the generator Tg = 75 0C (assuming losses) Thus the point 8 can be marked on the pressure enthalpy chart where the constant temp line of 75 0C intersects the pressure line of 10 bar. Point 8 represents the hot weak liquid having concentration Cw inside the generator. Thus the corresponding concentration of the weak solution can be directly noted down from the chart as Cw = 0.570 After fixing the point 8, the point 5 can also fixed, Point 5 represents the strong aqua coming out of the absorber after absorbing the vapours coming out of the evaporator. The concentration of the strong solution, say Cs can be determine by the degasifying factor.

      Degasifying factor
                                         It is the amount of NH3 vapours removed from the strong solution in the generator. Higher value of this factor is desirable because its higher value prevents water from being evaporated, which creates trouble, and is necessary to be removed before entering into condenser.

So that generally for any system the strong solution having the concentration Cs=
0.6. And the concentration for weak solution is
                           Cw = Cs – degasifying factor
                                 = 0.600 – 0.030
                                 = 0.570
      Now we know the pressure and concentration of point 5 so that we locate the point 5.
Point 6: This is the condition of the aqua solution whose concentration C5 = 0.6, but the pressure is increased from Pe to Pc as it passes through the pump. Point 6 coincides with point 5 on the C-h chart as enthalpy does not change when the aqua pressure increase passing through the pump.
Point 7: As the strong low temperature aqua solution passes through heat exchanger it gains the heat and its enthalpy increases, but its concentration Cs remains same as well as pressure remains same as Pc. Now the point 7 can be marked on the C-h diagram as pressure at 7 and C7 are known.

      Now join points 8 and 7 and extend till it cuts the Y axis (enthalpy) at ‘a’ as shown in figure, then join point ‘a’ and 5 and extend till it cuts the vertical line passing through 8. This also decides the position of point 9 and 10. Point 9: This shows the condition of weak liquid coming out of the heat exchanger after giving heat to the strong solution. So enthalpy is reduced. Subtracting the heat lost by the weak solution in heat exchanger, point 9 can be marked as the concentration does not change.
Point 10: The point 10 represents the same enthalpy as 9 but at reduced pressure Pe as it passes through the pressure reducing valve.

                              In absorber, the pure NH3 gas enters at condition 4 and weak aqua solution enters at condition 10 and after mixing, strong aqua comes out at condition 5. The mixing occurring inside is underlined but aqua condition coming out is definitely known. Join the points 10 and 4 and extend the vertical line passing through point 7 till it cuts at point 7". Now we can say that mixing taking place along the line 4- 10 and at pressure Pe and resulting aqua is coming out at 5 after losing heat in the absorber. Joining the points 4 and 10 and marking point 7" is not necessary for solving the problems or designing the system components.

                                 Figure : Condition of absorber


                           In generator, strong aqua is heated by supplying heat Qg, The strong aqua enters into the generator at condition 7 and pure NH3 vapour comes out at condition 1 and weak aqua at condition 8. Now join the points 8 and 1 and extend the vertical line through point 7 to mark the point 7" which cuts the line 1-8. Now, we can say that the separation is taking place along the line 1-8 and at pressure pc. Joining the points 1 and 8 marking the point 7" is not necessary for solving the problems or designing the system components.


                                             Figure  condition of generator


Ø  Mass flow rate of the ammonia is 0.018 kg/min.
Ø  Heat removed in the evaporator = Cooling capacity  
                                                    = Refrigeration effect
                                                    = Mr. [h4 – h3]
                                                    = 0.1 Ton =21 KJ/min
Ø  Heat removed in condenser  that is the heat carried out by circulating the water in the condenser 

Qc = Mr. [h2 – h1]
     = 0.018 [1630 – 460]
     = 21.16 KJ/min

Heat removed from absorber

When the NH3 vapour at point 4 and aqua at 10 are mixed, the resulting condition of the mixture in the absorber is represented by 7” and after losing the heat in the absorber (as it is cooled), the aqua comes out at condition 5. Therefore, the heat removed in the absorber is given by 
Qa = (h7” – h5) per Kg of aqua
Extend the triangle 10-7”-5 towards right till 10-7” cuts at 4 and 10-5 cuts at point ‘a’ on x axis.
Therefore, heat removed per kg of NH3 is given by Qa = (h4 - ha) per kg of ammonia 
                                         Qa = Mr. × (h4 - ha)
                                              = 0.018 × (1550 - 70)
                                              = 26.64 KJ/ min
Thus,   Qa = 26.64 KJ/min

      Now the resultant aqua is at condition 7”, which loses heat up to condition 5. Temp at 7” = i.e. T7” = 70 0C (from C-h chart) Say, water gets heated to a temp of 82 C from 25 0C  while removing heat from the absorber.
 If Mw = mass of cooling water required Then 
Mw × Cp × (Ti – T0) = 26.64
Mw × 4.18 × (70 - 25) = 26.64
Mw =0.141 Kg/min
That is, the mass of cooling water required in absorber is 0.141 kg/min.

      Heat given in the generator Say Qg is the heat supplied in the generator and Qd is the heat removed from water vapour then the net heat removed per kg of aqua is given by qg – qd = (h7’ – h7) per kg of aqua as the aqua goes out in at condition 7 and comes out at condition 8 and 1, which can be considered as a combined condition 7’. By extending the triangle 8-7-7’ towards right till 8-7’ cuts at 1 and 8-7 cuts at a on y axis, then the heat removed per kg of NH3 is given by

Qg – Qd = (h1 – ha) per kg of ammonia

      Now for finding out Qd separately, extend the vertical line 7-7’ till it cuts the auxiliary line Pc and mark point ‘b’ as shown. Then draw a horizontal line through b which cuts Pc line in vapour region at point 11. Then join the points 7 and 11 and extend the line till it cuts y axis at 12.

Then, Qd is given by Qd = (h12 –h1) per kg of ammonia
                                                           Qd = 0.018 × (1760 - 630)                                    Qd = 2.34 KJ/min 
Now using equation Qg – Qd = (h1 - ha) 
We have Qg – 2.34 = 0.018 × (1630 - 70)
So that Qg = 30.42 KJ/min

      Thus the amount of heat required in the generator for running this unit is

Qg = 30.42 KJ/min

 Design and Calculation Of Solar Parabolic Reflector



 For calculation purposes, the sun may be treated as a radiant energy source with surface temperature that is approximately equal to that of a blackbody at 6000 K.
The sprectum of wavelength of solar radiation stretches from 0.29 μm to about 4.75 μm, with the peak occurring at about 0.45 μm (the green portion of visible spectrum). Table 32.1 shows spectral distribution of solar radiation with percentage distribution of total energy in various bandwidths

Type of radiation 
Wavelength band

% of total radiation 
Invisible ultraviolet (UV) 
0.29 to 0.40 

Visible radiation 
0.40 to 0.70 

0.70 to 3.50 

Far infrared (FIR) 
4.2 o 4.75 

                     bandwidth of radiation

Total solar irradiation:
In order to calculate the building heat gain due to solar radiation, one has to know the amount of solar radiation incident on various surfaces of the building. The rate at which solar radiation is striking a surface per unit area of the surface is called as the total solar irradiation on the surface. This is given by: 

                                             I=IDN cosθ + I+ I                                      
I = Total solar irradiation of a surface, W/m2  

IDN   = Direct radiation from sun, W/m2 
I   = Diffuse radiation from sky, W/m2 
I   = Short wave radiation reflected from other surfaces,
 θ  = Angle of incidence, degrees 

 The angle of incidence θ depends upon: 

1. Location on earth                 
2.Time of the day,
3.Day of the year 

The above three parameters are defined in terms of latitude, hour angle and declination, respectively. 

 The planet earth makes one rotation about its axis every 24 hours and one revolution about the sun in a period of about 365 q days. The earth’s equatorial plane is tilted at an angle of about 23.5o with respect to its orbital plane. The earth’s rotation is responsible for day and night, while its tilt is responsible for change of seasons. Figure 32.3 shows the position of the earth at the start of each season as it revolves in its orbit around the sun. As shown in Figure, during summer solstice (June 21st) the sun’s rays strike the northern hemisphere more directly than they do the southern hemisphere. As a result, the northern hemisphere experiences summer while the southern hemisphere experiences winter during this time. The reverse happens during winter solstice (December 21st).  Position of earth with respect to sun for different seasons  

 Figure shows the position of a point P on the northern hemisphere of the earth, whose center is at point O. Since the distance between earth and sun is very large, for all practical purposes it can be considered that the sun’s rays are parallel to each other when they reach the earth.  


       Design of the parabolic collector is depend upon the following:

1.      Temperature of the water required at the heat generator.

2.      Temperature loss in the tube.

3.      Heat require in the heat generator.

4.      Efficiency of the reflector.

for more information


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