Ø  The purpose of this research is to design pedal water pump that can upswing the water. A system that is relatively cheap, portable and depend on human energy.

Ø  Working principal of pedal water pump –there are two cylinder and piston. Pistons are reciprocating in respective cylinder. Pistons are connected with connecting road and connecting roads are connected with crank and its crankshaft. By rotating the pedal both piston are reciprocating in cylinder alternatively which upswing the water.

Ø  Advantage of pedal water pump are easily manufacture with low cost and low maintenance. Not using any power source. Very use full in home and farm application.

A pump is a device that moves fluids (liquids), or sometimes slurries, by mechanical action. Pumps can be classified into three major groups according to the method they use to move the fluid: direct lift, displacement, and reciprocating pumps.
Mechanical pumps serve in a wide range of applications such as pumping water from wells, aquarium filtering, pond filtering and aeration, in the car industry for water-cooling and fuel injection, in the energy industry for pumping oil and natural gas or for operating cooling towers. In the medical industry, pumps are used for biochemical processes in developing and manufacturing medicine, and as artificial replacements for body parts, in particular the artificial heart and penile prosthesis.
Pumps operate by some mechanism (reciprocating or rotary), and consume energy to perform mechanical work by moving the fluid. Pumps operate many energy sources, including manual operation, wind power, electricity or engines come in many sizes, from microscopic for use in medical applications to large industrial pumps.
Figure : Available electrical Pump.

Our motto is to create an eco-friendly water pump which is called as pedal water pump (PWP).The PWP works on mechanical energy without electricity. PWP provides irrigation and drinking water in some remote areas where electricity is not available. Pedal water pump is use of human energy to upswing the water. 
PWP is not only free from pollution but also provide healthy exercise. PWP reduces the rising energy costs.PWP is designed as a portable one which can be used for irrigation in various places.
PWP consists of a Reciprocating pump operated by pedal power. Now a days, there are very major problem of electricity which cannot be renewable source so we have to find another way to save electricity. Everyone wants to find out the solution of above problem with the available sources of energy in order to archive electricity.


Fig. 1.1 Construction of Pedal Water Pump (2-D wire Drawing)
It is technology that is not only capable of removing a very wide variety of contaminates in just one step, but is simple, cost effective and environmentally friendly. Fortunately there is a solution of these problems. Unlike other electric pump, pedal water pump is completely free from electricity. The purpose of research is to design pedal water pump that can upswing water, liquid or slurries.
In India and other developing countries major problem of electricity where we use pedal water pump (PWP) to irrigation water.  
The operation of the pump is simple and one adult man can operate the pump easily. During the upward movement of the plunger a negative vacuum pressure is created in the cylinder and causes the non-return valve to open and water enters into the pumping chamber of the cylinder.
When the plunger moves downward the check valve is closed due to positive pressure and a high pressure is created in the pump chamber due to compression of water which in turn open the plunger valve and water flows across the plunger valve from the suction to the delivery side of the cylinder water thus accumulates in the cylinder on the upper side of the plunger valve. 
When the operator press the pedal with foot to move the lever downward, the plunger moves upward to create negative pressure in the cylinder and accumulated water is then discharged through outlet.

In this design of Pedal water pump without electricity in this project used by components  Piston, Shaft, Cylinder, Thrust Bearing and Non-Return Valve are describe following:
Piston is located in Cylinder. Piston is reciprocating in cylinder. Piston made from aluminium. It is connected with smaller diameter of connecting rod.
        Dimension of piston
        Diameter of piston – 5.7 cm
        Diameter of piston pin – 1.6 cm

Fig. Construction of Piston

Fig.    3-D Modeling of Piston                                               


Fig.   3-D Modeling by upper                     part of piston

Shaft is used for connecting two cylindrical thrust bearing. Shaft is rotating in bearing. It is made from cast iron.
      Dimension of Shaft
      Length – 30 cm
      Diameter – 25 cm


                            Fig.  Shaft 

Piston is reciprocating in cylinder. It is made from iron. In a both Inlet valve and Outlet valve are connected with cylinder.
Dimension of cylinder
Inner diameter – 5.7 cm
Outer diameter – 6 cm
Length – 11 cm


              Fig.  Construction of cylinder


                 Fig.    Hollow cylinder

 Thrust Bearing
It is used for support the Shaft. Roller bearing is fitted in bearing case. Bearing is used for support shaft and keep rotating. It is made from cast iron.
      Dimension of bearing
      Inner diameter – 2.5 cm
      Outer diameter – 4 cm
      Dimension of bearing case
      Length – 15 cm
      Width – 1.5 cm


                 Fig.    Thrust Bearing

 Non-Return Valve
It allows flow of water in one direction and prevents flow in reverse direction. It is normally closed. There are use of 5  non-return valve in our projects.
Dimension of non-return valve
Diameter – 1.25 cm
Length – 6 cm


                Fig.    Non- Return Valve

        In our project there are two frames. One is square piping frame and other is cycle frame.

 Square frame:-This frame is totally made from iron. It is used for support of model.
                   Dimension of this frame
                   Height – 80cm
                   Length – 53cm
                   Width – 26cm

 Cycle frame: - This frame is also made from iron and all pipes in this frame are round pipes. This frame contents pedal and chain gear.
                  Dimension of frame
                  Height – 85cm
                  Length – 97cm
                  Width – 30cm


         Working principle of pedal water pump-There are two cylinder and piston. Pistons are reciprocating in respective cylinder. Pistons are connected with connecting rod and connecting rods are connected with wiser. Wiser is connected with shaft. Shaft is rotating in bearing pedals.
         Shaft is connected with flywheel which is connected to pedal with chain. By rotating the pedal both piston are reciprocating in cylinder alternatively which upswing the water.

      This pump is self-priming - Not require filling the cylinders by starting.
      This pump can work in wide pressure range.
      Priming is not necessary in pump.
      Provide high pressure at outlet.
      Provide elevated suction lift.
      They are used for air also.
      It works without any electrical energy and it doesn’t produce any pollution.
      It manufacturing cost is low and movable device.

      Flow is not consistent, so we have to fit a bottle at equally ends.
      High wear and tear, so need lot maintenance.
      Early price is much more in this pump.
      The size of product is so much large and it is also very heavy in weight.

 Requirement of Machine Tools 
      Lathe Machine
      Drilling Machine 
      Hacksaw Machine 
      Grinding  Machine 
      Welding Machine 
      Milling Machine 
      Disk Grinding Machine 
      Boring Machine 
      Honing Machine 
 Requirement of Machine Tools 
      H.S.S. Tools Bits
      H.S.S. Drills Bits
      Hand Hacksaw
      Rough & Smooth File
      Centre Punch
      Spanner Set
      Taps & Taprench

 Measuring Instrument for Project
      Steel Rule
      Dial Venire Calliper
      Steel Tap
      Spirit Level

      Pedal piston water pump without electricity project can upswing water up to 25 Feet by continuous work.
      It can upswing the water by 1.5 psi (Pounds per Square inch) pressure.
      Inlet Suction Pipe – 1.25 cm.
      Outlet Suction Pipe – 1.25 cm.


Total Material Cost
Around $130

         Process planning is the fundamental of the industrial activities an efficient economic planning leads the firm to success. By process planning we can know the problems, which causes actual production.
         We know that for the manufacturer, there are so much methods and process for producing the product but we should chose and easy one process. Time consumed during this process should be less and material wastage should be less.

         Pedal water pump are easy for manufacturing with manufacturing cost is low and maintenance cost is low. Note using any power source. Pedal water pump are very useful in home and farm application.
         This pump is self-priming not required filling cylinders by starting provide elevated suction lift it work without electrical energy.
                 By this project an adult man can upswing the water up to 25 feet by continuous work. It can upswing the water by 1.5 psi pressure.  

[1]       Sermaraj M.,”International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)”, IOSR journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering, Volume-3, Issue-2, July20111.
[2]       Atul P. Ganorkar, K.S. Zakiuddin, H.A.Hussain,”Development Of Pedal Operated Water Pump”, Islamabad Pakistan Vol.15. No.2.Mc Graw Hill Book Co, New York, p.p.60-81.
[3]       Thomas and Martin, “Design and Experimental Setup of Pedal Operated Water Pump”, International Journal of Engineering & Technology (IJERT), Vol. 2, Issue 1, January - 2013
[4]       M. Serazul Islam, M. Zakaria Hossain and M. Abul Khair, ” Design and Development of pedal pump for Low-Lift Irrigation”, J Agric Rural Dev 5 (1&2), June 2007.
[5]       Thomas Conlon, Geo praxis and Glen Weisbrod, ”We’ve Been Testing Water Pumps For Years – Has Their Efficiency Changed? ”, ACEEE Summer Study of Energy Efficiency In Industry, April 1999.
[15]   Fluid mechanics in Introduction by Books India.
[16]   Hydraulic machines in pump Operated by Tech Max.

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